Using Eggshells to Protect Your Seedlings

Springtime means new plants sprouting from the soil and small transplants being added. If you have slugs or snails in your garden they will see these young, tender seedlings as dinner. One method we use to protect our seedlings is to create a ring of eggshells around them. Snails and slugs have soft underbellies and can be harmed if they slither over the crushed eggshells. Their brains may be primitive however they are smart enough not to cross over.

See the two photos below. The first is a zucchini plant without eggshells. Notice how the leaves have been chewed off the stems. The second is a zucchini plant with a ring of eggshells around it. Perhaps you can conduct your own experiment.

Squash plant with no eggshells
Without Eggshells


squash plant surrounded by eggshells
With Eggshells


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