I recently came across a very valuable teaching resource for both educators and students from a very unlikely source – Afghan Ag.
e-Afghan Ag is supported by the USDA and managed by University of California, Davis with additional information from other land grant universities such as Cornell and Purdue. The url is http://afghanag.ucdavis.edu/
The site contains university researched best practices for farmers in Afghanistan including an entire section of Educational Materials. Of the educational materials, check out Horticulture, Field Crops and Soil.
The one lesson I initially found is called, “Student Lesson for Essential Plant Nutrients,” which is listed under Field Crops. There is also a power-point presentation to accompany the lesson.
Other lessons include: Plant Structures and Functions, Root Anatomy, Flower Anatomy, Plant Life Cycles, Photosynthesis and Respiration, Soil Texture and Structure, and many more.
And lastly, if you ever wanted to grow your own saffron, you can now get all the information you need.