Zucchini varieties are more numerous than you can imagine. Zucca is an Italian word for pumpkin and ini (from ino and ina means “little”). In Italy all squash are zuccas. There are big zuccas like our American field pumpkins and small zuccas like zucchinis.
March 16th, Arugula has bolted and is flowering. First come the flowers, then come the fruits. Arugula flowers are edible and lend a little spice to a salad. April 20th, Pollination within the flowers has been successful and young green pods appear. The flower petals wither and fall. Unfortunately, some of the pods were being eaten, […]
An olla (pronounced oy-yah) is an unglazed, porous, clay container with a narrow neck and large belly. It is buried up to its neck in the soil and then filled with water. The water then slowly seeps out and keeps the area irrigated for approximately one week. The main benefit is that water is […]
Sweet Potatoes are one of those vegetables I never liked until I started growing it. Turns out, the orange and purple varieties are super nutritious due to high amounts of anti-oxidants. Eat your colors they say. “Sweet potatoes with orange flesh are richest in beta-carotene. Sweet potatoes with purple flesh are richer in anthocyanins. Beta-carotene […]
Now that’s it officially springtime lets turn our attention to our gardens and all the work still to be done. Beds need to be amended, seeds need to be sown. At the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR), Health and Safety is the #1 priority. Please see the following articles from Thinking […]
The University of California Cooperative Extension is organizing workshops in various communities throughout Los Angeles County to teach residents how to grow fruits and vegetables in their own backyard. Where: Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills 905 Loma Vista Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 ** Entrance on Doheny Rd. When: Sunday, April 7, April 14, April […]
I’m buying seeds as we speak getting ready for the Spring. Being in Southern California I may be starting a little earlier than you, but with indoor growing you can be planting all year as well. If you have a window, or glass wall that faces south, you can grow anything indoors. The reason southern […]