Science and Our Food Supply – Free Supplementary Curriculum for Middle Level and High School Classrooms

What captures the interest of students? FOOD! Yes, food can be used to engage students in inquiry-based science — really! The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in collaboration with the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) have created Science and Our Food Supply, an innovative, interactive supplementary curriculum for use in middle level and high school […]

UC Davis Website Afghan Ag is a boon for Garden Educators

I recently came across a very valuable teaching resource for both educators and students from a very unlikely source – Afghan Ag. e-Afghan Ag is supported by the USDA and managed by University of California, Davis with additional information from other land grant universities such as Cornell and Purdue. The url is The site contains […]

Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Imagine picking a cauliflower from your garden and making a pizza from it. A cauliflower crust pizza has no flour and hence no gluten. Who doesn’t like pizza? Everyone likes pizza. Kids will be lining up to sample it. Intrigued? I surely was, couldn’t wait to try it. You can even fold it like a pizza […]

Dear Tomato: An International Crop of Food and Agriculture Poems

Bursting with flavor and just the right infusion of insight, Dear Tomato: An International Crop of Food and Agriculture Poems presents a collection of poems from thirty-four writers on the most universal topic of all: food. Featuring a wide assortment of styles, from haiku to acrostics to free verse, these poems touch on topics that […]

Grow LA Victory Garden Classes at Greystone Mansion

I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching the Grow LA Victory Garden Classes once again at  Greystone Mansion and Park in Beverly Hills. This series of classes are for all those who wish to grow fruits and vegetables in their own backyards. We will be hosting 4 Sunday classes (12 noon – […]