School Garden Creates Jobs at John Muir HS in Pasadena, CA

Job creation has been an important theme in our country the last couple of years.  President Obama is struggling with it, the presumptive GOP nominee is struggling with it, and Congress is struggling with it. At John Muir High School in Pasadena, CA, three volunteers have come up with a school garden model that is […]

School Garden Summer Reading

School’s out. Gardens are growing. During the summer you’ll want to inspire your children to stay active both physically and mentally. Reading and gardening both are excellent activities especially when the reading involves garden themes. Multi-award winner, Dawn Publications, of Nevada City, CA specializes in quality children’s books about nature. I have had the pleasure […]

Edible Activities – One Bite Lessons and California School Garden Network( are teaming up to compile a list of “One Bite Lessons” in preparation for the California School Garden Training Program’s Garden-Enhanced Nutrition Education (GENE) Workshops. This compilation of activities will end up being posted on the site. What is a One Bite Lesson? A One Bite Lesson is an edible […]

Garden Classes for Teachers

“Getting Your Green Thumb” is a free, fun, and practical professional development series for primary or secondary educators. Classes cover topics in garden planning, gardening techniques, and curriculum connections. Each class includes classroom instruction, hands-on activities, practice in an outdoor garden space, and free materials. We welcome gardening beginners as well as those who are […]

Using Eggshells to Protect Your Seedlings

Springtime means new plants sprouting from the soil and small transplants being added. If you have slugs or snails in your garden they will see these young, tender seedlings as dinner. One method we use to protect our seedlings is to create a ring of eggshells around them. Snails and slugs have soft underbellies and […]