Romanesco Broccoli and the Fibonacci fractal

Romanesco Broccoli is a variety of the species Brassica oleracea. It is a cool weather crop that enjoys a steady diet of nutrients. We fertilized with fish emulsion every other week. The beauty of Romanesco lies in its unique flower structure. When we consume Romanesco, other than the stems we are eating flower buds. These flower buds […]

Winter Tomatoes – How to Clone a Tomato Plant

If you live in an area with mild winters, or if you are lucky enough to own a greenhouse, winter tomatoes can be easily grown. The trick is to clone a tomato plant from your summer crop. A clone is an exact replica of the parent. And since it is a clone hybrid plants can […]

Every School Should Teach Gardening Because Food is Kind of Important

Hi all, as the new school year kicks into gear I would like to introduce you to a great garden guy, Mike Podlesny. See his guest post below, and check out his website as well. photo credit: Mike the Gardener On our Vegetable Gardening Facebook page, I posted the question, Should Vegetable Gardening be Taught in Schools, […]